

What influences does cellulose fiber have in tile adhesive?

Cellulose fiber has theoretical properties in dry-mix mortar such as three-dimensional reinforcement, thickening, water locking, and water conduction. Taking tile adhesive as an example, let's look at the effect of cellulose fiber on the fluidity, anti-slip performance, open time of tile adhesive, and its rheological properties in aqueous solution.

Effect of cellulose fiber on the performance of tile adhesives

The influence of different aggregates on the water demand of tile adhesive: The difference in the basic formula is only the difference in the grading and type of sand, which causes the different water demand of mortar.


Effect of cellulose fiber on the fluidity of tile adhesive

The addition of cellulose fiber reduces the fluidity of freshly mixed tile adhesive, indicating that cellulose fiber has a thickening function for freshly mixed tile adhesive; the addition of cellulose fiber is more appropriate to increase the water demand of the benchmark formula by 0.5%, ensuring that the corresponding fluidity is at (150±5) mm, and ensuring suitable construction performance by appropriately increasing the water demand.

Effect of cellulose fiber on the anti-slip properties of tile adhesives

Cellulose fiber can thicken the tile adhesive while ensuring good construction performance, thereby improving the anti-slip performance of the tile adhesive.

The addition of cellulose fiber makes the viscosity of the basic viscosity solution show different viscosities under different shear forces. It shows low viscosity at high shear force and high viscosity at low shear force. It is the thixotropic function of cellulose fiber that enables cellulose fiber to give the newly mixed tile adhesive better construction performance (high shear force) and anti-slip performance (low shear force). Good anti-slip performance can achieve the pasting of tiles from top to bottom, greatly improving construction efficiency, or can achieve the pasting of tiles with larger mass.


Effect of cellulose fiber on the open time of tile adhesives

In addition to anti-slip performance, another important performance of tile adhesive is open time. Open time refers to the maximum time that the tile adhesive can be pasted on the wall after being combed onto the wall. The quality of this performance directly affects the speed of pasting tiles and affects the construction efficiency.

The addition of cellulose fiber prolongs the open time of the adhesive. The extended open time indicates that good cellulose fiber has the function of locking and conducting water.

Cellulose fiber has a fiber thickening function, which can increase the upper limit of the water requirement of tile adhesives; Increase the anti-sagging property of fresh tile adhesives and improve their anti-slip properties. Cellulose fiber has a thixotropic function. When a high shear force is applied to the fresh tile adhesive system, the system exhibits a lower viscosity; when a small shear force is applied to the system, the system exhibits a higher viscosity. This function of cellulose fiber makes the fresh tile adhesive easy to apply during construction and has a good anti-slip function after the tiles are pasted. On the one hand, cellulose fiber slightly increases the water requirement of the basic formula, and on the other hand, it has a good water-conducting function, which can extend the open time of the fresh tile adhesive and improve construction efficiency.


Post time: Aug-20-2024